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CFA® Level I — Mind­Maps® 2019


This Lambert Education MindMap serves as an educational aid to the CFA® Level I Exam. This MindMap book contains all the important points for the CFA exam summarised in a series of MindMaps, which helps the CFA candidate memorise the content. Below you can find a small sample of what to expect in the full product.



This Lam­bert Edu­ca­ti­on Mind­Map ser­ves as an edu­ca­tio­nal aid to the CFA® Level I Exam, it con­ta­ins con­tent on all the 10 sub­jects which are test in the CFA® Level I Exam:

  • Ethi­cal and Pro­fes­sio­nal Standards
  • Quan­ti­ta­ti­ve Methods
  • Eco­no­mics
  • Finan­cial Report­ing and Analysis
  • Cor­po­ra­te Finance
  • Port­fo­lio Management
  • Equi­ty
  • Fixed Inco­me
  • Deri­va­ti­ves
  • Alter­na­ti­ve Investments

This Mind­Map book con­ta­ins all the important points for the CFA exam sum­ma­ri­sed in a series of Mind­Maps, which helps the CFA can­di­da­te memo­ri­se the con­tent. Mind­maps are pro­ven to be a more effec­ti­ve way to memo­ri­se lar­ge amounts of infor­ma­ti­on. This is becau­se the brain has an inher­ent pre­fe­rence to memo­ri­sing images. Pic­tures or Mind­Maps are a more fun, inte­res­t­ing, and easier way for the brain to learn com­pared to repe­ti­ti­ve words.

You can find more Mind­Maps for other CFA®Exams and various other sub­jects at the Lam­bert Edu­ca­ti­on Shop.

Below you can find a small sam­ple of what to expect in the full product.


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© Florian Hölzer Designs