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Web­i­nar CFA Level I — Finan­cial Report­ing and Analysis


Date: Thursday, April 23rd - Friday, April 24th, 2020

Time: 17.00 - 21.00 CET on both days

Teacher: Daniel Lambert

Language: English


This web­i­nar will be a tea­ching aid to lear­ning the CFA Level 1 Exam — Finan­cial Report­ing and Ana­ly­sis,it will cover the all of the various rea­dings of the 2020 CFA Level 1 cur­ri­cu­lum.

Topics cover­ed: Intro­duc­tion to Finan­cial State­ment Ana­ly­sis, Finan­cial Report­ing Stan­dards, Under­stan­ding Inco­me State­ments, Under­stan­ding Balan­ce Sheets, Under­stan­ding Cash Flow State­ments, Finan­cial Ana­ly­sis Tech­ni­ques, Invent­ories, Long-Lived Assets, Inco­me Taxes, Non-Cur­rent (Long-Term) Lia­bi­li­ties, Finan­cial Report­ing Qua­li­ty, Appli­ca­ti­ons of Finan­cial State­ment Analysis

Ins­truc­tions for registration:

- Once you have put this pro­duct into your cart, plea­se fill in your details and proceed.

- You will be sent a con­fir­ma­ti­on mail sta­ting the web­i­nar details.

- On the day of the web­i­nar you will be sent an email 1 hour befo­re the web­i­nar starts with fur­ther ins­truc­tions of how to access the event — name­ly, that you need a sta­ble inter­net con­nec­tion, audio and can choo­se to install the “Goto­Web­i­nar” App, or watch it via your browser.


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