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Course Curriculum

Reading 6: The Time Value of Money
Sta­ted and Effec­ti­ve Rates 00:00:00
Sol­ving for The Size of Annui­ty Payments 00:00:00
Sol­ving for The Num­ber of Periods 00:00:00
Sol­ving for Inte­rest Rates and Growth Rates 00:00:00
Pre­sent Value of Serie of Equal Cash Flows 00:00:00
Pre­sent Value of an Infi­ni­te Series of Equal Cash Flows — Per­p­etui­ty ‑1- 00:00:00
Pre­sent Value of an Infi­ni­te Series of Equal Cash Flows — Per­p­etui­ty ‑2- 00:00:00
Future Value of a Sin­gle Cash Flow 00:00:00
Fre­quen­cy of Compounding 00:00:00
Equal Cash Flows — Ordi­na­ry Annui­ty — Pre­sent Value 00:00:00
Equal Cash Flows — Ordi­na­ry Annuity 00:00:00
Quiz: Rea­ding 6: The Time Value of Money Unlimited
Reading 7: Statistical Concepts, Market Returns
Mea­su­re­ment Scales 00:00:00
Mea­su­re­ment Sca­les, Mea­su­res of Cen­tral Ten­den­cy, and Mea­su­res of Dispersion 00:00:00
Sam­ple-vari­ance 00:00:00
Mean Abso­lu­te Deviation 00:00:00
Mea­su­res of Cen­tral Tendency 00:00:00
The Medi­an 00:00:00
The Har­mo­nic Mean 00:00:00
The Coef­fi­ci­ent of Variation 00:00:00
The Arith­me­tic Median 00:00:00
Line­ar Interpolation 00:00:00
Geo­me­tric Mean 00:00:00
Chebyshev’s Ine­qua­li­ty 00:00:00
Quiz: Rea­ding 7: Sta­tis­ti­cal Con­cepts, Mar­ket Returns Unlimited
Reading 8: Probability Concepts
Vari­ance and Stan­dard Deviation 00:00:00
Con­di­tio­nal Probability 00:00:00
Defi­ni­ti­on of Probability 00:00:00
Pro­ba­bi­li­ty 00:00:00
Pro­ba­bi­li­ty Concepts 00:00:00
Prin­ci­ples of Coun­ting — Com­bi­na­ti­on Formula 00:00:00
Prin­ci­ples of Coun­ting — Per­mu­ta­ti­on Formula 00:00:00
Prin­ci­ple of Coun­ting — n Factorial 00:00:00
Expec­ted Value 00:00:00
Depen­dent and Inde­pe­dent Events 00:00:00
Addi­ti­on Rule for Probabilities 00:00:00
Quiz: Rea­ding 8: Pro­ba­bi­li­ty Concepts Unlimited
Reading 9: Common Probability Distributions
Nor­mal Distribution 00:00:00
Bino­mi­al Distribution 00:00:00
Ran­dom Variables 00:00:00
Esti­ma­tor 00:00:00
Dis­crete Uni­form Distribution 00:00:00
Con­ti­nuous Uni­form Distribution 00:00:00
Ber­noul­li Ran­dom Variable 00:00:00
Quiz: Rea­ding 9: Com­mon Pro­ba­bi­li­ty Distributions Unlimited
Reading 10: Sampling and Estimation
Con­fi­dence Inter­vals ‑1- 00:00:00
Con­fi­dence Inter­vals ‑2- 00:00:00
Quiz: Rea­ding 10: Sam­pling and Estimation Unlimited
Reading 11: Hypothesis Testing
Hypo­the­sis Test­ing: How to Test 00:00:00
Hypo­the­sis Test­ing: Gene­ral Procedure 00:00:00
Hypo­the­sis Test­ing: Two-Sided Test 00:00:00
Hypo­the­sis Test­ing: One-Sided Test 00:00:00
Hypo­the­sis Test­ing: One-Sided Test 00:00:00
Quiz: Rea­ding 11: Hypo­the­sis Testing Unlimited

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Wir bie­ten seit 1994 Unter­richt für BWL, VWL, Sta­tis­tik und Mathe­ma­tik. Mit uns berei­ten Sie sich opti­mal auf Ihre Prü­fung vor — kurz, knapp und auf den Punkt gebracht. Sie haben bei uns die Mög­lich­keit der Grup­pen­kur­se und des Ein­zel­un­ter­richts, der Prä­senz­kur­se und der Skriptsammlungen.


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